Should look pretty familiar to you as I imagine this is what you see every time you have to begin a new class essay: Here’s a blank document in Microsoft Word for the Mac. In fact, the dictation in Word is startlingly good if you speak clearly and at a reasonable pace, so much so that I bet you’ll use it more and more as your semester proceeds! Even better, the button’s front and center on the toolbar, you probably just haven’t noticed it. Microsoft has its own equivalent for Windows systems through its Cortana technology, and that also shows up in the dictation features in Microsoft Word. Tip: If there are words you know that you misspell all the time, dictate them and let the computer do the work! 🙂 I use that all the time, from Google searches to first drafts of email messages to friends and colleagues. Don’t have it set up? No worries, here’s a quick tutorial: Setting up voice dictation on your Mac system.

It taps into the technology that makes Siri work, but push twice on the function key on your keyboard and you should be able to dictate anywhere you would otherwise be typing in text. The Mac system already has a surprisingly sophisticated voice to text system built in to the operating system.